Let's begin

Let’s begin!

If you've made it this far, you deserve two things.

First (and most importantly!)

Congratulations - You've arrived at a place that will be your robotics haven.

Ready For Tomorrow is a preparation for the future days when robots and AI will share space with humans.

And that future is just around the corner !

You'll find here the latest updates from:

  • AI

  • Robots

  • Technology

  • Gadgets World

In addition, you'll be treated to a fascinating history of robots and a section dedicated to education and exploring the captivating world of industry.

And now, the second thing, an explanation :)

This newsletter is also a significant learning and development journey for me.

Through it, I want to show you how I see this world - without fancy words, without beating around the bush.

I'll reveal the world of industry to you

Including its darker corners.

No exceptions.


Every two weeks on Monday morning

I’ll feed you with a bunch of news from Robotic World

To make you Ready for Tomorrow!


I've always wanted to have a blog.

I never knew what topic to write about.

Now I do.

Thank you for being here.

Best regards,



or to participate.