The 101st application of the iPhone and the 'Dark Factory'

Learn new kitchen helper with your iPhone

Nowadays, mobile phones are 100-in-1 devices. Their cameras have made photography accessible to everyone (photography enthusiasts, you can say what you want, but the phone is always at hand and you don't have to carry 100kg of equipment to take reasonably good photos!).On Instagram, we constantly see courses that talk about filming/taking photos with a phone.

Scientists from MIT CSAIL have gone a step further and used an iPhone to scan the environment and provide data to a robot.

Based on these accurate scans, they were able to recreate the robot's work environment and, thanks to simulation, teach it to perform tasks other than vacuuming!

Our homes are quite the battlefield for such a robot, which is why we rarely see anything other than a regular Roomba zipping around our feet.

Thanks to the use of simulation, not only can we teach the robot to perform new tasks, such as loading the dishwasher or putting away clean dishes, but we can also save hundreds, if not thousands, of plates that could otherwise be damaged, and the neighbors might think that:

a) there's a fierce argument at home with plates flying around

b) someone nearby is having a Greek wedding 🙂

In either case, we wouldn't avoid the curious looks of the neighbors. But in a simulation, the robot can "break" a million plates, all in complete silence!

Future is now, Old Man

While for some, introducing a single robot into a factory is a significant achievement, Xiaomi announces the start of a factory that is 100% automated and can produce phones 24/7 without human intervention.

Xiaomi's new "dark factory" is located in the Changping district on the northeast outskirts of Beijing. It has 11 production lines that will produce Xiaomi’s latest high-end models MIX Fold 4 and MIX Flip at an enormous pace of one phone every 3 seconds.

Additionally, the Chinese claim that the factory will be ultra-clean, as filters will capture all contaminants as small as 0.0001mm.

How much did all this cost?

It is estimated that since the project's inception, Xiaomi's wallet has been lightened by about 10 billion yuan.

However... the factory can pay for itself very quickly. After all, they will save a ton of money on salaries!

For some, this is the fulfillment of dreams and a vision of the future, while others are at the same time worried about job security.

Smokers, beware!

Who doesn't dislike ubiquitous cigarette butts? Hands up!

Nothing annoys me more than a smoker who can't throw their cigarette butt into the proper place, which is the trash can, after finishing their smelly ritual!

Besides the fact that such behavior is reprehensible and shows the "high" level of culture of such a person, it is simply trash that ruins the beautiful urban landscape.

Fortunately, IIT's Dynamic Legged Systems has a solution for this.

Meet VERO - a four-legged robo-dog that has a tube attached to each leg, which can suck up cigarette butts and leave the place clean!

A wonderful solution that will never replace good manners!


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